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Rocky Mountain Power Irrigation Load Control

Program Overview

Dispatch Months: Monday of the week including June 1 until Friday of the week including August 15

Dispatch Hours: 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MT, Monday – Friday

Advanced Notification: 4 hours (minimum)

Program FAQ


What triggers a dispatch?

Load control dispatches are called when Rocky Mountain Power expects electricity demand to surge. Irrigation Load Control (ILC) participants provide a critical resource in managing peak demand, which helps keep the grid reliable and energy costs down for everyone. 

How will I be notified of a dispatch?

In the event of a load control dispatch, you will be notified via our automated system. You may receive email, phone, and SMS messages based upon your preferences, which you can view in the Enel X application. To add or change your site’s contact information, please contact Enel X Support at support.EnelXNorthAmerica@enel.com or +1 888 363 7662.

When can I expect a dispatch?

Dispatches usually occur between 5:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m. MT. Dispatches typically last approximately 4 hours, and we see an average of 5 dispatches each season. Enel X provides 4 hours notice. Please call us as soon as possible if you need to opt-out a pump.

How can I see how I am performing?

You can view energy usage for each pump enrolled in the program during and after load control dispatches by logging into the Enel X application and selecting “Today’s DR Performance” in the drop-down menu.

How is my performance calculated?

A pump is credited for performance if it is fully shut down for the duration of a load control dispatch.

What if I need to opt-out a pump?

Please contact Enel X Support at +1 888 363 7662 or support.EnelXNorthAmerica@enel.com at least two hours prior to the dispatch start time to opt-out a pump. While there is no limit on the number of times you may opt-out a pump each season, it will impact your payments.

Regardless, Enel X will never charge a direct financial penalty for non-participation. We understand that growing conditions can change dramatically from year to year. If needed, you may also opt-out a pump for a full season, and then return to the program the following year, if conditions change.


How does opting out impact my payments?

If you choose not to shut down your pumps during a load control dispatch, the impact on your payment will be proportional to the total number of load control dispatches this season. For example, if you participate in half of the dispatches this summer, your payment will be half of what it would be if you participate in all of the dispatches. More information about how your dispatch participation affects payment is below.

Will a pump receive participation credit if it does not run at all on the day of a dispatch?

Yes, it will. We understand that irrigators need to arrange watering schedules around dispatches, and you will not be penalized if you do not run your pumps at all during the day of a dispatch.
View of electricity pylon from below

Guide to ILC Payments

Learn how your ILC payments are calculated, and steps you can take to maximize your earnings potential.

How We Calculate Your Payments

  1. We establish your average usage during the program hours (2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Monday – Friday) 
    Example: A typical 100 HP engine uses 80kW of power per hour. If this engine run 75% of program hours, your average usage would be 60kW (80kW x 75%)
  2. We estimate your potential payment (your average usage x the payment rate in your contract) 
    Example: 60kW x $20/kW = $1,200 potential payment for that pump
  3. We determine your particiaption rate (the percentage of dispatches you participated in that season) 
    Example: If there are 6 dispatches and you opt-out of 2, your participation rate would be 67%
  4. We calculate your total payment (your total potential payment x your participation rate) Example: $1,200 x 67% = $804 total payment
  5. We repeat this calculation for every pump enrolled in the program


How to Maximize Your Payments


You can maximize each pump’s earning potential by doing your pumping during program hours and participating in as many dispatches as you can. A pump that runs for a few weeks each season, or only a few hours between 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. M – F, will have a lower average usage and will earn less. Similarly, opt-outs reduce your participation rate and will reduce your earnings potential.


The three scenarios below, while simplified, show how varying average usages and participation rates can impact your earnings potential.


If you have questions about your ILC participation, or would like to learn more about how you can maximize your earnings, please contact Enel X Support at your convenience: support.EnelXNorthAmerica@enel.com or +1 888 363 7662.

Examples of How ILC Performance Impacts Payments

Irrigator 1

Runs pump all season, participates in every dispatch

Irrigator 2

Runs pump in July only, participates in all July dispatches

Irrigator 3

Runs pump all season, opts out sporadically                
Average Usage
120 kW (100%)
60 kW (50%)
120 kW (100%)
Payment Rate ($/kW)
Potential Payment
Participation Rate
Total Pump Payment