Dispatch Months: Monday of the week including June 1 until Friday of the week including August 15
Dispatch Hours: 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MT, Monday – Friday
Advanced Notification: 4 hours (minimum)
Dispatch Months: Monday of the week including June 1 until Friday of the week including August 15
Dispatch Hours: 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MT, Monday – Friday
Advanced Notification: 4 hours (minimum)
Please contact Enel X Support at +1 888 363 7662 or support.EnelXNorthAmerica@enel.com at least two hours prior to the dispatch start time to opt-out a pump. While there is no limit on the number of times you may opt-out a pump each season, it will impact your payments.
Regardless, Enel X will never charge a direct financial penalty for non-participation. We understand that growing conditions can change dramatically from year to year. If needed, you may also opt-out a pump for a full season, and then return to the program the following year, if conditions change.
How We Calculate Your Payments
How to Maximize Your Payments
You can maximize each pump’s earning potential by doing your pumping during program hours and participating in as many dispatches as you can. A pump that runs for a few weeks each season, or only a few hours between 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. M – F, will have a lower average usage and will earn less. Similarly, opt-outs reduce your participation rate and will reduce your earnings potential.
The three scenarios below, while simplified, show how varying average usages and participation rates can impact your earnings potential.
If you have questions about your ILC participation, or would like to learn more about how you can maximize your earnings, please contact Enel X Support at your convenience: support.EnelXNorthAmerica@enel.com or +1 888 363 7662.
Irrigator 1
Runs pump all season, participates in every dispatch
Irrigator 2
Runs pump in July only, participates in all July dispatches
Irrigator 3
Runs pump all season, opts out sporadically
Average Usage
120 kW (100%)
60 kW (50%)
120 kW (100%)
Payment Rate ($/kW)
Potential Payment
Participation Rate
Total Pump Payment